Come to see victory
In a land called fantasy
Loving life a new degree
Bring your mind to everlasting liberty
(Earth Wind and Fire - Fantasy)
Famous Books:
- Search and browse through 309 famous gamebooks
- Buy gamebooks on-line at 6 various companies
- Write comments on gamebooks
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Famous Books (E-Mail Registration):
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Play online:
- Play 70 amateur adventure gamebooks on-line
- Compete with 29072 other people (statistics)
- Evaluate and comment on these amateur gamebooks
The game system is responsive now. Next, the homepage will be revised, step by step.
Create your own adventure gamebook with numerous traps, riddles, dice-rolling, and combat situations.
Enable your friends and visitors to play your gamebook online.
It is possible to play your adventure as a DEMO while it's under construction.
Some features of the BCA (Book Creation Area):
- Create a story in your own world of fantasy/(science-)fiction/crime/thriller/horror
- Offer numerous possibilities of actions per section
- Select the online look and layout
- Utilize different dice-throwing situations
- Prompt for user input on puzzles
- Invent items, meals, weapons, armor, and disciplines
- Incorporate detailed fighting situations
- and much more...
Here you can start to create your own gamebook:
Book Creation Area (BCA) |
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