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Druidea Adventures (Alex)
Titel: Druidea Adventures
Autor: U.S.A. Alex
Sprache: englisch
Genre: Fantasy
Abschnitte: 71
Gespielt: 371 x
Limitierte Waffen im Inventar: 2
Limitierte Gegenstände im Inv.: kein Limit
Startgegenstände: Sword (Kampfpunkte: +2 / Schaden: 0)
Shield (Rüstung: +1)
Helmet (Rüstung: +1)
3x snack (Energie: +1)
Startgold (Gold): 10
Anmerkungen: This is the first of a five part series. All the adventures occur on the magical island of Druidea, which is a very large island broken from the mainland by the gods. In your adventures, you play a Warrior, who rescues high-class prisoners.
Leserkommentare (4)
Buch bewerten

Leicht Mittel Schwer
Ideen Geht so. Einige Viele
Spannung Langweilig Mittel Spannend
Wenig Ausreichend Viele
Lesespaß Niedrig Mittel Hoch
Stimmen: 5

Kl.text: All of my adventures are based on another world called Itarius, in another galaxy called Oneonus. A intergalactic battle between the true gods and the evil gods resulted in a clash of two galaxies. Itarius was the result of two worlds colliding: the mortal world, Itar and the angelic world of angels, Frosius. I gradually introduce the alien aspects of this world in your adventures.


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28.04.2019 14:38 - AMP1972

LOL: First I restart due Linus pestering about that magic dagger & next I die due to climbing the gate...
22.06.2010 01:09 - Kishuf

The best from all stories here...!
07.06.2009 22:04 - loser

It was not suspenseful or as challenging as I would like, but the story is interesting. I look forward to the next adventure.
21.06.2009 05:08 - Des the Great

Not the most suspenseful in the world, but it is great for newbies who want something to practice on, the story is cool though. Can't wait for the next adventure, hopefully no more magic #@%& shields

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